
Paper accepted at WISE

Our paper “An In-Depth Analysis of Security and Privacy Concerns in Smart Home IoT Devices Through Expert User Interviews” by Sascha Löbner, Frédéric Tronnier, László Miller and Jens Lindemann has been accepted for publication at the 2024 World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE 2024), which will take place in Edinburgh from June 12th to 14th. In this paper, we survey smart home usage behavior and user knowledge to identify the need for solutions that educate users on potential threats, and aid them in securing their smart home.

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FIIPS@Home at AnoSiDat

On Tuesday, April 16th and Wednesday, April 17th, the congress of the research network on anonymisation for a secure use of data (AnoSiDat), which our project is a part of, will take place in Lübeck. FIIPS@Home will participate in this congress. On Wednesday, we will present the project in a talk. Furthermore, our poster can be found in the poster sessions on both days, during which we will also be available for questions and discussions about the project.

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Kick-off Meeting

Today, the first official meeting of all project partners took place at the Department of Informatics at Universität Hamburg to kick off the project. (Photo: UHH/Schell)

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